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Sleepsense helps us to monitor their (residents’) safety because we know right away when they are in bed or off bed, especially at night. Also, it could monitor their sleep behaviour so that we can access if there is a problem with the resident, why he/she is having a hard time sleeping at night.

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First of all, this tool [Sleepsense] is very useful for the safety of our residents and we are thankful to be a part of it. It has greatly helped in preventing falls and the sleep patterns of our residents. Resident in bed with their eyes closed, we sometimes think they are in deep sleep, but after we installed sleep sensor, it has greatly helped us to monitor their sleep and as to why residents have behavior if they don’t get adequate sleep.

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Sleepsense helps us to provide better care for residents. It makes it easier to know who is getting up, especially if they are high fall risk. That way we can complete the care without interruptions.

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The ability to analyze the sleep data without the care staff standing over the residents to see if they’re asleep, really does give us a leg up in terms of supporting their overall health quality. They (the residents) potentially could be at greater risk for falls, or something medically going on that’s new that we weren’t aware of. Having the sleep data available can make the caregivers more proactive and support the residents’ quality of life.

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Every time we went to see Mom, we guessed her sleep status from her reactions, because poor sleep affects her daytime a lot. But she couldn’t tell us clearly. The Sleepsense reports told us exactly what happened through the nights, its very informative, accurate and matched our observations exactly, and in so much details. This is very useful for us. And now care team can use the right information to help her. We really like that care team is notified in real-time of her in/out of bed status and can support her. We are excited to be part of the trial.

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It is truly amazing how much data we can access while not impeding our seniors that can contribute to the care of our residents and assist our evening and night staff in monitoring those residents who may require additional assistance. Sleepsense will help us to ensure resources are utilized in the most efficient and effective manner in relation to sleep and safety. I am hopeful with time we will see a reduction in falls, and better quality sleep for our residents. Those are two powerful indicators of seniors well-being and health.

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To be perfectly honest, the technology brought to Langley Lodge via Sleepsense is nothing short of mind-blowing. It still seems difficult to comprehend how this small square pad placed under a bed leg can provide us with so much information – information that can be used to address falls, sleep issues, and indirectly impact behaviors and skin breakdown by adjusting care plans and adding interventions. Current practices try to accomplish this through conventional methods and a lot of guesswork, rely on the effective assessments of many people and often fall short of the mark. With the data gathered through Sleepsense, I believe we are far better placed in ensuring safety and enhanced care in a more timely manner.

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I am very impressed with the information we can receive from using Sleepsense. I still can’t understand how it can do so much and be so unintrusive to the seniors who have been able to benefit from Sleepsense. We have been able to analyze data to have fulsome discussions about sleep patterns, quality of sleep, medications that may require review, toileting patterns and safety risks.

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There is so much opportunity for human error. Toch Sleepsense brings peace of mind that residents are well cared for through the night

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…many residents do not sleep through the night. Toch Sleepsense would be beneficial during the overnights when there is substantially less staff