Exploring Perspectives on Technology: Toch Sleepsense (COMPLETED)

June 2023

Description: This report shares the results from ADEPT Workshops featuring Tochtech Technologies Toch Sleepsense. Data collection occurred over two ADEPT Workshops with a total of 13 participants. Each workshop included pre- and post- online surveys, a demonstration of Toch Sleepsense, and a facilitated discussion period where participants discussed the usability, feasibility, and accessibility of Toch Sleepsense in long-term care facility settings across BC. Participant findings from the workshops were analysed and five themes emerged which are described in this report. These themes include: 1) Enhancing overall quality of care in longterm care facilities with Toch Sleepsense, 2) Improving sleep quality and health with Toch Sleepsense virtual monitoring, 3) Supporting staff and guiding staffing strategies with sleep tracking, 4) Addressing Toch Sleepsense implementation challenges, and 5) Toch Sleepsense system and design insights.

Summary of Conclusion:  This report reveals insights from healthcare professionals with expertise in the long-term care ecosystem of BC. Tochtech Technologies Toch Sleepsense was found to be a novel and potentially invaluable bed alarm system that could enhance the quality of life and care for residents of long-term care facilities, as well as augment long-term care staffing support, across northern, rural, and interior British Columbia.